Breast Cancer Treatment in New Delhi - Best Gynae Oncologist in North Delhi

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting women worldwide, and its prevalence is rising in India. Early detection and advanced treatment options are crucial for improving outcomes and survival rates. In New Delhi, Dr. Monisha Gupta offers state-of-the-art breast cancer treatment, combining expertise, compassion, and cutting-edge technology. This article explores the various aspects of breast cancer treatment available in New Delhi, with a focus on the comprehensive care provided by Dr. Monisha Gupta. Breast Cancer Treatment in New Delhi encompasses a range of advanced and personalized medical approaches aimed at providing the best possible care for patients.

Understanding Breast Cancer

When cells in the breast develop out of control and form a tumor, it is known as breast cancer. These cells have the ability to expand to different areas of the body by invading nearby tissues. There are several types of breast cancer, including:

  1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS): A non-invasive cancer where abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct but have not spread outside the duct.
  2. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC): The most common type of breast cancer, which begins in the breast ducts and invades surrounding tissue.
  3. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC): Begins in the lobules (milk-producing glands) and spreads to surrounding tissues.
  4. Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: A subtype that does not have the three common receptors known to fuel most breast cancer growth—estrogen, progesterone, and HER2/neu.

Risk Factors and Symptoms

The following risk factors may make breast cancer more likely to occur:

  • Genetic Factors: BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations significantly increase the risk.
  • Family History: The risk is increased if you have a close family who has breast cancer.
  • Hormonal Factors: Prolonged exposure to estrogen, such as through early menstruation or late menopause, can increase risk.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Alcohol consumption, obesity, and lack of physical activity can contribute to higher risk.

Common symptoms of breast cancer include:

  • a lump or growth in the breast or underarm
  • A shift in the breast’s dimensions or form
  • Nipple discharge or inversion
  • Skin changes on the breast, such as dimpling or redness

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Early and accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment. Dr. Monisha Gupta’s clinic in New Delhi employs advanced diagnostic tools and techniques:

  • Mammography: An X-ray of the breast that can detect tumors that are too small to be felt.
  • Ultrasound: Uses sound waves to create images of the breast tissue, helping to distinguish between solid masses and fluid-filled cysts.
  • MRI: Provides detailed images of the breast and is particularly useful for women with a high risk of breast cancer.
  • Biopsy: Involves removing a small sample of breast tissue for laboratory analysis to confirm the presence of cancer cells.

Treatment Options for Breast Cancer

Dr. Monisha Gupta offers a range of treatment options tailored to the specific needs and condition of each patient. These include:

1. Surgery
When treating breast cancer, surgery is frequently the first course of action. The size, location, and preferences of the patient all influence the sort of surgery that will be performed.

  • Lumpectomy: the majority of the breast is preserved with the removal of the tumor and a little margin of surrounding tissue.
  • Mastectomy: Removal of one or both breasts, either partially or completely.
  • Sentinel Node Biopsy: Removal of a few lymph nodes to determine if cancer has spread.

2. Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to target and kill cancer cells. It is often used after surgery to eliminate any remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence.

  • External Beam Radiation: The most common type, which directs radiation at the breast from an external machine.
  • Brachytherapy: Involves placing radioactive seeds or pellets inside or near the tumor site.

3. Chemotherapy
Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells or stop their growth. Neoadjuvant therapy is used prior to surgery to reduce tumor size, whereas adjuvant therapy is used following surgery to eradicate any cancer cells that may still be present.

  • Intravenous (IV) Chemotherapy: Delivered directly into the bloodstream.
  • Oral Chemotherapy: Taken as a pill.

4. Hormone Therapy
For breast cancers that are positive for hormone receptors, hormone treatment is used. It blocks the body’s natural hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that can promote cancer growth.

  • Tamoxifen: A common hormone therapy drug used for premenopausal and postmenopausal women.
  • Aromatase Inhibitors: Used primarily in postmenopausal women to lower estrogen levels in the body.

5. Targeted Therapy
Targeted therapy focuses on specific molecules involved in cancer growth and spread. It is less harmful to normal cells compared to traditional chemotherapy.

  • HER2-Targeted Therapy: Drugs like trastuzumab (Herceptin) target the HER2 protein, which promotes the growth of cancer cells in some breast cancers.
  • CDK4/6 Inhibitors: Drugs like palbociclib (Ibrance) inhibit proteins that promote cancer cell division.

6. Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy aids the immune system’s ability to identify and combat cancerous cells. It is an emerging treatment option for certain types of breast cancer.

Supportive Care and Rehabilitation

Dr. Monisha Gupta’s clinic emphasizes holistic care, providing support services to help patients manage the physical and emotional challenges of breast cancer treatment.

  • Nutritional Counseling: Guidance on maintaining a healthy diet during and after treatment.
  • Physical Therapy: Exercises and therapies to restore strength and mobility, especially after surgery.
  • Psychological Support: Counseling and support groups to help patients cope with the emotional aspects of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Innovative Techniques and Research

Dr. Monisha Gupta is committed to staying at the forefront of breast cancer treatment by incorporating the latest research and innovative techniques.

  • Personalized Medicine: Tailoring treatment plans based on the genetic profile of the tumor to improve outcomes.
  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Using advanced surgical techniques to reduce recovery time and improve cosmetic results.
  • Clinical Trials: permitting patients to receive novel and experimental therapies that are not yet generally accessible.


Breast cancer treatment requires a comprehensive and personalized approach to achieve the best outcomes. In New Delhi, Dr. Monisha Gupta provides expert care, utilizing the latest advancements in diagnosis and treatment to offer hope and healing to patients. From surgical interventions to innovative therapies and supportive care, Dr. Monisha Gupta’s clinic is dedicated to guiding patients through every step of their breast cancer journey. Breast Cancer Treatment in New Delhi involves a multidisciplinary approach to ensure that each patient receives the most effective and compassionate care possible. If you or a loved one is facing a breast cancer diagnosis, seeking expert care at Dr. Monisha Gupta’s clinic can make a significant difference in your treatment and recovery.

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